spaces in between

I know this place of waiting feels hard and tests your patience.

Trust that things are forming and falling into place.

It may feel as if time has forgotten about you, and left you to pick up the pieces of your life.

I promise you my hand is at work preparing you for the next chapter.

The signs and intuitions may be subtle.

That’s why you must not allow fear to block the messages I am sending.

Know that my whispers are powerful, leading you into the Light of your next incarnation, and onto an illuminated path where your Soul is fed its purpose for existing.

Growth, change, and letting go of who you once were, can be painful and uncomfortable for you.

Connect with Me in these moments, and request to know what is needed to get you through the space between what is and what is becoming.

Divine Timing, My Dear. Divine Timing.


Welcome 2024:A Divine Dialogue
