wherever you go there you are

You move through cities, through forests,

seeking something, someone,

a place where the air feels lighter,

where the world makes sense.

You believe it lies beyond the next horizon,

just over the ridge,

around the next bend.

But every step you take,

every mile you cover,

you carry yourself with you—

your thoughts, your memories,

the weight of who you are.

You change your surroundings,

swap landscapes like old clothes,

yet the mirror never lies.

There, in the reflection,

you meet your own eyes,

find the same soul staring back.

It's not the world that needs shifting,

not the ground beneath your feet,

but the landscape within,

the mountains of doubt,

the rivers of fear.

No matter where you run,

how far you flee,

you are always here,

in this skin,

with this heart.

So stop searching for the place

where you’ll finally belong.

The journey isn't out there,

in some distant land.

It’s inside, where you stand now,

learning to be at home

in the only place you’ve ever truly been—

wherever you go,

there you are.


discovering faith